Data Protection

The Practice takes our responsibilities associated with Data Protection seriously. Please find below a copy of our Privacy Notice, which tells you how we handle and use your personal information. Should you require access to your information you will need to complete a SAR1 form ( see the link below ). The form needs to be returned to the surgery with your photo ID to access your medical records. Please be aware it can take up to one month to provide this information.

Data Protection Privacy Policy

Easy Read Privacy Notice

Form for Patient Access to Medical Records ( Subject Access Request- SAR1)

Our ICO registration Number is: Z7761567

Our Data Protection Officer is Umar Sabat he can be contacted at


Collection of personal information

You can access most of the pages on our website without giving us your personal information. However, you may choose to provide us with your personal information on some pages of the website by completing an on-line form.

By submitting your personal information, you consent to our use of the information as set out in this privacy policy.


Website privacy

This website uses https to ensure data is encrypted in transmission. This encryption, known as TLS encryption protocol, allows us to protect your privacy. You can usually verify that the page is encrypted by seeing a small lock symbol in the upper left corner of your browser and the website address is prefixed with https://.


Data storage

All data obtained by us is held and used in compliance with the Data Protection Act 2018.


Cookie Policy

For information please read our Cookie Policy.



This website contains links to other sites. We are not responsible for the privacy practices of third parties that run any other websites. Please refer to their own privacy policies for more information.

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