Should you require informaiton or advice about your medications,  you can ask your doctor directly by clicking on the PARKSHOT PATHWAYS on our website.  They will then text, email or call you within 48 hrs.  You can also call reception on 020 8948 4217 if you can't access the link.   

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER TO USE THIS SERVICE, but you do have to be our patient !

Benzodiazepines Information

Please note that Parkshot Medical Richmond does NOT routinely prescribe BENZODIAZEPAM's ( e.g Diazepam, Lorazepam & Temazepam, ect ).  If you are taking this medication, you WILL be asked to see our pharmacist with a view to reducing and eventually STOPPING your medication

For more information click on the links below.

Benzodiazepine Leaflet

Fear of Flying Medication


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